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The Pi You Know Is A Lie (scribd.com)
60 points by eyudkowsky on May 20, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

Is scribd an improvement for windows users or something? It seems that for most people here it's an anoyance and a worse user experience than just linking to the pdf. Does it solve some problem I'm missing?

edit: Try zooming all the way in. You're in for some hideously unreadable fuzzy font rendering... why oh why.

It does not seem to improve matters on my Ubuntu, either.

Only guessing here, I think that it solves a copyright issue.

it's not rendering a font, it's a non-vector image, stored with bad comrpession, therefore it will get blur if you zoom it.

I independently 'discovered' this a few years back, basically on the grounds that there are infinitely many shapes with constant diameter but only one (the circle) with constant radius. It stands to reason that the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter contains a spurious factor of 2; it must be that the ratio of circumference to radius is the more fundamental quantity.

This discovery was almost enough to make me want to memorize an embarrassing number of digits of 2π; 6.28 is really pathetic. (What's embarrassing, you say? Try 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399...)

How are you defining diameter? http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Diameter.html only defines it for circular and spherical objects.

That's what I entered, but it came out on Scribd!

I dislike the current system because it attributes a violation of copyright to the submitter that they're not actually responsible for. In practice it's not a real issue, it's just kind of tacky.

It would be better if all submitted PDFs were turned into Scribd documents, but each user had a profile option for whether to change their PDF links to point to the Scribd doc or to leave it pointing to the original download.

or they might just add a hyperlinked "[pdf]" or "[scribd]" after the original link, pointing to scribdified version.

internets ignoring my choice of pdf viewer -- that sure feels wrong.

oh well, greasemonkey to rescue.

my version (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/26925) was there 1 minute before that :)

Yeah, I just tacked it on to my blacklist, which I'm sure not everyone wants.

That's interesting.

I'm not trying to hijack the thread here, but the non-standard scrolling in Scribd bugs me. When I use two-finger drag on the macbook pro to scroll, scribd just doesn't move like a normal page.

Yes! Bothered me as well.

Yeah man. I love this paper. All of the equations look so much prettier without 2 in front of pi everywhere.

Indiana once tried to pass a law saying pi actually equals 3.2


Volume of the n-ball?

Generally, what I would consider the defining equation for pi. Has no factor of 2?

V_n = pi^(n/2)R^n / Gamma(n/2+1) = C_n R^n

C_n = pi^k/k! for even n=2k

C_n = 2^(k+1)k!pi^k / (2k+1)! for odd n=2k+1

Of course we could just change the definition of gamma, but I prefer gamma as an extension of factorial.

Almost as bad as negatively charged electrons.

I don't see why this is such a big deal. Scaling by a factor of 2 doesn't make any of the math lose it's beauty. The underlying math is still the same. Calling 30 minutes "an hour" doesn't make time go faster. It's all semantics, really.

Anyway, pi is so engrained in our mathematics that the costs of switching would surely be higher than any superficial, aesthetic benefits.

The author knows this, and was making a merely aesthetic point which you seem to have sucked all the fun out of.

I think the aesthetics are important. You can see further when they are better.

The three legged symbol is pretty good, but maybe papers could just set the value of pi at the introduction.

Holy... Eliezer Yudkowsky? Why, hello...!

Wowsers, that's a good point. I didn't know he's on YC, that's great.

Aw, shucks.

From the article: The proper value, which does deserve all of the reverence and adulation bestowed upon the current imposter, is the number now unfortunately known as 2pi.

Does this mean we can have 2pi day on Jun 28?

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