Patient acting crazy? Label them schizophrenic, schizo-affective or bipolar(doesn't really matter which, they are all subjective); Hit em with some major tranquilizers and dopamine inhibitors and rack up that sweet insurance money.
I wish. In my country you have to wait till they harm someone before anyone will do anything. Human rights and all that. How can someone with a visible mental illness be considered to know and make decisions about their health is beyond me. It's wonderful how they simulate normal behavior that even experienced psychiatrists don't notice until it's really bad. I witnessed someone calmly and rationally explain that they have a messianic delusion, like they don't really believe it. Back home it was a different story, performing miracles and whatnot.
Your use of Schizophrenia and Bipolar as examples are both at the top of the heap in terms of what modern psychiatry has been successful in managing.
Depression, as a general term, and anti-depressants on the other hand, not so much. The world of psychology is far more of a fail. CBT therapies, mindfulness, and various other fads have all turned out, in meta-studies to be either hot air or incompetent application of the scientific method.
The human brain is the most complex organ in the known universe. At least psychiatrists are required to have an MD to practice. Psychologists just wave their hands around and maybe scrape by on some basic statistics to get qualified to rummage around like demented apes in the windmills of your mind.
CBT has a large evidence base and appear to work for 50% to 60% of the people who take it. We have huge amounts of data from the English NHS IAPT scheme.
That number needed to treat is pretty good. You may want to compare it to other routine medication such as statins or blood pressure meds.
CBT has been debunked by multiple meta-studies. Psychology, as a science, is a joke. The brain is the most complex structure in the known universe, but to be a psychologist you don't need even a basic MD. It should be struck off as a science all together.
Nope. There are side effects. And some times they are worse. But most times they're better than the disease. Good luck being manic with psychosis without meds.
nobody is arguing that major tranquilizers don't have their place for controlling psychosis in emergencies but long term use of them has a degenerative effect on the brain
Patient acting crazy? Label them schizophrenic, schizo-affective or bipolar(doesn't really matter which, they are all subjective); Hit em with some major tranquilizers and dopamine inhibitors and rack up that sweet insurance money.