This is why I've never gone to a psychiatrist; only therapists. Instead of pretending to have scientific rigor, many therapists focus on the more human side of mental health, working out knots and releasing mental tension like a masseuse does for physical tension.
Neuroscience is the only true way to approach the problem scientifically, but it has a really, really long way to go. It's like trying to understand how Chrome works when all you have is a voltage meter for measuring the 1s and 0s in memory. And even that is a fairly recent development.
Absolutely agree w.r.t. Neuroscience: it’s really exciting to work on. Reach out via email in profile to hear a few compelling anecdotes on an “advanced volt meter.”
Neuroscience is the only true way to approach the problem scientifically, but it has a really, really long way to go. It's like trying to understand how Chrome works when all you have is a voltage meter for measuring the 1s and 0s in memory. And even that is a fairly recent development.