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Ask HN: What do you want for Christmas?
19 points by econner on Nov 27, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 40 comments
What should be on the Christmas list of geeks everywhere?


I'm pretty happy with the things that I have and I can't imagine anything that I need (but don't already have). When moving to two different countries in the past I've managed to pack all the things I need into a single backpack.

Besides my phone, my laptop, my bicycle, and plenty of clothes I don't really have any use for other things.

I agree with you. I've got what I need. My family still insists on gift-giving and I'm forced to make a list in an attempt to get something actually useful to me or helpful to someone else.

I've been too broke to do anything Christmas-wise for the past nearly 4 years, so I'm gonna be getting awesome gifts for family and friends, and finally getting myself a toy as well: a chapman stick ( http://stick.com/ ). Been wanting one for years, and finally decided I'm just gonna splurge and get it.

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Personally, I don't enjoy receiving anything electronic or gadget related as a present - I have a reasonable idea of what is available and if there is something I want I'll buy it for myself.

I'd love to be given a voucher paying for me to do some activity that the giver things I will enjoy, but which I would not have thought of doing myself. Bonus points if it has a time limit to give me an incentive to get on and try it straight away.

This question made me realize again that I pretty much have anything I need already (in a materialistic way). I only want stuff if it replaces some other broken or old stuff. So I'd like to have a few pair of socks, and maybe a SSD to replace the noisy harddisk in my spare PC. Oh, and a kitchen scissors, the one I now have is worn.

I suppose Christmas lost its excitement for me once I was able to buy just about any gadget I would've wanted as a present.

I think that's generally the point where it becomes more fun to give than to receive. At least that has been my experience.

A practical use of an iPad, I won one but I really don't have any purpose for it except checking e-Mails/Twitter/any news.

>What should be on the Christmas list of geeks everywhere?

What should be on the Christmas list of mods everywhere? Of goths? Of clubbers? Of poly people? There are no answers to this type of question that aren't bred of ignorance or absurdity. This second question is silly.

The first was sensible. I suppose I could use a sweater.

I just bought a truckload of books for my birthday, but I wouldn't mind some more ;). Sadly, the amount of free time I have is inversely proportional to the size of my wishlist[1]. Such is life.

[1] http://flipkart.com/wishlist/GeneralMaximus

I've been looking at one of these: http://www.makershed.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MKGK...

Seems like a fun toy, and I really enjoyed the "write bubble sort on a PIC" project I had in college.


I've been wanting a Jawbone Jambox ever since I saw the video that @lonelysandwich did for them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgC3zjNH1oU

I want a Macbook Pro (not McBook Pro) 15 in, 2.8Ghz, with 8GB RAM, Geforce 330GT 512 GDDR3 RAM and 500GB SSD HHD. It ouwld cost only about 4000 including Apple-tax

I'd like a nice high capacity SSD but it's too much to expect anyone to buy.

On a more hazy level, the motivation to get all this stuff I've accumulated sold or given away!

An ebook reader. Advice ? (iPad, Galaxy, Kindle, B&Noble's reader ???)

I absolutely love my Kindle. Here's a word of warning though, if you like to read books that have code listings you will need the DX. They just don't work on the 6" screen.

Reading linear books (novels, etc.), get an e-ink reader like the Kindle, etc. You won't mind the page delay if it's one page at a time.

Reading tech books (manuals, reference material, etc.) get an iPad or subnotebook. Much faster to flip rapidly through as there's a much smaller page load delay, better search etc.

I'm so thankful for ebooks - there's a line in one of the perl docs that says "You can't grep dead trees", which has always been my beef with paper docs.

If you read books buy a Kindle or a Nook (Kindle is great especially when you are buying books, but nook gets wonderful reviews as well and supports quite a bit more). If you are going to be reading pdfs an Ipad is the way to go.

An FN SCAR .308

Hrm, oh wait, you're asking two completely different questions here.

A book I would really like which I haven't heard of before.

I'm getting a new Thinkpad. Needless to say I'm pumped!

I would like an iron and a small ironing board.

I'm hoping for a book to help me learn Python!

old macbook :) I've never had a mac before and I'd figure its time to try one out.

Suit, fridge-freezer, macbook

Macbook, Kindle, Scotch.

a geeky lady partner that is russian and in her 20s. lol

A good Scotch.

Pretty narrow question - considering that not all geeks celebrate Christmas.

It's a problem-solution thing. Commenting on HN typically has more substance than "I don't like ___". Your comment might have been more constructive if you restated the question to something you found more appropriate or thought would generate better discussion.

EDIT: I didn't down vote, just wanted to comment

True. My intention was to elicit a "what do you desire right now" response (with both gadgets/cool products and interesting philosophical answers e.g. "Time" etc..) rather than any focus on a holiday. I should have said "holiday season" rather than Christmas. My apologies.

People who don't celebrate Christmas can still answer the question. "Nothing."

No, they can answer the question by stating the gift they would like as a present. It doesn't always have to be Christmas to give presents.

I find it interesting that a perfectly legitimate question got downvoted.

@rick_2047 - It does not have to be Christmas to give presents, but the question assumes Christmas first, then presents.

@ceejayoz - Answering 'Nothing' would mean you want nothing for Christmas, not that you don't celebrate Christmas.

Downvoters - care to give any reasons?

I was not a downvoter but I think that your comment is a bit problematic. First of all, saying that not all geeks celebrating Christmas is at least obvious. In addition, think of this hypothetical question and you may understand the downvoters:

- Ask HN: Which Apple product do you desire the most?

- Answer: Not all geeks desire an Apple product.

@gsivil - Thanks for jotting down these points. I think my response was more geared towards the text "What should be on the Christmas list of geeks everywhere?" rather than the title "What do you want for Christmas?" of the OP's question. They can be interpreted as being different - at least I did.

I would like to know the answer to this too! I'm trying to think of a present for my boyfriend but I don't know much about the latest gadgets or useful accessories for a programmer. I was thinking an ergonomic desk chair but $600 is way out of my budget. Any ideas??

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