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I don't see anything wrong with wanting conditions attached to handouts, everyone has their own moral system. I see nothing wrong with helping support two children whose parents have been unable to earn due to injury / illness. If a single mum with 9 kids has a history of having more children while demanding hand outs then I'm not do keen.

Children in poverty should not have to rely your discretionary, strings-attached, judgement-laden charity. They need good public services fully funded by your mandatory, fair, and sufficient taxes.

I live in a very heavily taxed nation and across the board, we are seeing all our government services degrade more and more. I pay over 50% direct tax and all our services are crying out for funding. The ability to fund these "good public services" is dependent on having a large tax-paying base.

Social security and welfare is 36% of our federal budget. Education is only 7%. We have free universal healthcare and that's only 16%.

There is a literal culture here of living off support and having large families. You get more funding for larger families. The children tend to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Exponential math is taught in high school, it doesn't take much to see how this ends up. I understand your human argument for these children but I'm concerned with our ability to look after families in 20 years time, or 50 years time.

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