The word "simple" depends on the context. What's simple for a human may be very complex for a machine and vice-versa. What's simple may be very different for different people and machines.
Most of the time, the word "simple" when applied to technology means "well-understood by the people who will use and maintain it". A simple thing can seem very complex for outsiders. For example, I used to think the C programming language was horribly complex, but now that I've spent serious time with it, I think it's actually rather simple.
Therefore, I think it's fair to replace most uses of the word "simple" in technology with "well-understood", like this:
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a well-understood system that worked. A poorly understood system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working, well-understood system.
I agree that permissions-based systems have necessary upfront complexity, but I also think they can be well-documented and well-understood.
Most of the time, the word "simple" when applied to technology means "well-understood by the people who will use and maintain it". A simple thing can seem very complex for outsiders. For example, I used to think the C programming language was horribly complex, but now that I've spent serious time with it, I think it's actually rather simple.
Therefore, I think it's fair to replace most uses of the word "simple" in technology with "well-understood", like this:
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a well-understood system that worked. A poorly understood system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working, well-understood system.
I agree that permissions-based systems have necessary upfront complexity, but I also think they can be well-documented and well-understood.