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Male chess players play more aggressively against attractive female opponents (su.se)
42 points by bdr on Nov 27, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

"Aggressiveness" is a really misleading term here. The title should be something like "Males in the presence of attractive females feel better about their situation, which leads to underestimation of risk and really poor decision making. Oh yeah, and chess."

I would think the males want to impress so they make riskier moves and have more pressure to win.

My problem with that is, if there's more pressure to win, wouldn't you make less risky moves?

Less risky = less impressive. The goal is probably to impress. You can do so by winning, or by being risky.

I highly doubt whether they're using the right econometric models.

In table 2 and 3 they're using an OLS model although the dependent variable is binary ("choosing and aggressive strategy 0/1"). A logit model seems much more appropriate here.

This does not give me much confidence in the results.

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