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Where / when exactly this is happening? If on Google side, then G already knows real IP, exactly what is to be avoided, especially on Gov and Health websites.

On tangent note, what is it with health data that many, in US at least, find so sensitive seemingly more than their bank account login information.

I genuinely don't understand. Is it that the majority have some secret pre-existing conditions and are afraid the insurance companies might realize?

Every time I visit a new doctor I need to spend ~ 10 minutes to fill out a long multi page form on paper listing all my medical history which could've been loaded from some database. I want my data to be analyzed and used to derive insights and help future patients.

Job applicant screening services would love knowing your health. Credit rating companies would love that too. Google is doing anything it can, free email, free photos/docs storage, free GA to get all possible data. They are capable of ML processing it all together, with their resources.

> what is it with health data that many, in US at least, find so sensitive seemingly more than their bank account login information.

It's not US specific, the privacy of health information goes back to at least the Hippocratic oath.

> Is it that the majority have some secret pre-existing conditions and are afraid the insurance companies might realize?

A lot of people do. Not just embarrassing conditions but they keep notes on mental health, drinking habits, illicit drug use, etc. If that information leaked out you could expect everyone from future employers to dates to be taking a look.

As far as I’m aware it’s totally on the google side. It’s not possible to do before that. As the request to the server is made directly from the client. Gov and Health can likely be ok if they trust the data isn’t being stored. This is a similar concern my health vertical customers have tackled.

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