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It looks to be a lightly-edited press release. Very common for journalists in a hurry to make quota or get the first link up.

It may be common for other journalists but I don't think that's the explanation in this case. Every acquisition I've been part of, we've briefed journalists beforehand (almost always someone at Techcrunch), they were under an embargo, and the article was pre-written.

> a service that aims to help enterprises plan their strategic projects and workstreams. The service provides business leaders with additional insights into the current status of technical projects and gives them insights into the bottlenecks, risks and dependencies of these projects.

These are not words I would expect a journalist to spontaneously generate. This is presser fluff.

You seem to still believe that Techcrunch is journalism? I thought everyone learned a decade ago that it is a PR content farm thinly masquerading as journalism.

Almost certainly the journalist for this is known to someone on the Atlassian media relations team[1], assured them friendly coverage in (unstated, quid pro quo) exchange for future access and exclusives, and then the PR team provided them some copy as "background" for the article.

[1]: We can check this guess by looking at his previously publications about Atlassian:

- He announced the "next generation of hosted Jira Software"

- He announced new & improved integration between Jira & Github

- He announced the acquisition of OpsGenie

- He announced the launch of Bitbucket Pipelines

He's almost certainly been "friendly" with Atlassian marketing for at least 5 years, based on his publication history. So they call him whenever they have something new to announce and he publishes some click bait. It is win-win. After all, this is the article that made it the front page of HN...not any other article about the acquisition.

Are we angrily agreeing? Because I feel like we're angrily agreeing.

I'm not angry. Are you angry? Let's sing kumbaya till no one is angry.

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