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> seem to me like some kind of weird, dystopian "C-Suite-Porn."

I hate Confluence and am absolutely stealing that phrase!

I think he/she was commenting more about JIRA.

Confluence is actually pretty useful.

In your opinion. My own experience with Confluence is that it's essentially write-only memory. So much documentation that goes in to my companies Confluence becomes outdated _very_ quickly, but is rarely, if ever, actually kept up-to-date. This leads to a system whereby people appear to be generating a lot of functional utility for our company and our documentation purposes but it's little more than noise when you are actually trying to find that utility.

Still better than emails and office documents scattered around the internal network.

I'll absolutely grant you that it's better than internal networks. No arguments there. I think that I do prefer e-mail, though, because, at least with Office 365 and Outlook, the search function is actually useful compared to my experiences with Confluence.

Don’t forget about the search that is only ever useful when you know what’s on the page you’re searching for.

I do (obviously!) hate JIRA, but I just don't like Confluence. It feels like where documentation goes to die, the search function is useless, and I find myself constantly hunting for tiny little buttons and links to attachments.

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