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2% of what...? GDP :) ?

I'd go with tax revenue. GDP includes all economic activity of a nation.

Heck yeah :)

Of course, this is ridiculous so what I'm really suggesting is that they look at their laws and reconsider how crazy they are.

What exactly is crazy in the GDPR? To me it seems like minimal common sense: If you are collecting data about me for your own profit, you should ask me if I'm OK with it before collecting it and you should be responsible with how you are storing it. To have any hope of enforcing this, I should have a right to ask you what data you hold about me and I should be able to withdraw consent if I no longer like your practices.

Businesses that only make sense financially if they can gobble up user data without their consent and sell it to third parties should not exist, just as businesses that can only work financially by not paying their workers should not exist.

What of this is crazy?

I believe having privacy laws is a good thing but given EU's track record I am skeptical of their implementation.

Their cookie disclosure regulation IMO has collectively wasted perhaps millions of hours of users' and website designers' time.

The cookie law actually was meant to solve the opt-in consent problem of user tracking that GDPR now solves with much stronger rules -- unfortunately the cookie law was vague enough that websites figured out that the cookie pop-up was sufficient to get around the law.

So really, users should be angry with websites for intentionally working around the spirit of the cookie law (and creating the annoying pop-up which basically requires you to consent to cookie tracking if you want to continue to use the website). The EU's mistake was not making the cookie law far more strict.

You thinking GDPR is crazy doesn't make it objectively crazy.


Funny, I'm think the opposite. I think GDPR regulation makes sense as front for a cash grab from multinational corporations, seeing as even they cant be bothered to not use said multinational corporations non-GDPR compliant tools.

I find this all hilarious.

You're totally right. I think the EU wants to grab a piece of the silicon valley pie since there are very few large tech companies willing to put up with the high European regulation and setup thier home base there. They get their "share" through fines and regulation.

Or... or... it’s about privacy

Or at most, signaling that it's about privacy

>> signaling that it's about privacy

Are you insinuating the EU has implemented GDPR as a means to get some extra funding instead of to protect its citizens? If so, do you think that before GDPR there were no victims, but now, post GDPR there are lots of victims and they are the US IT industry? If so then let me teach you about a concept that might be new to you: human rights. Privacy is one of those.

>Are you insinuating the EU has implemented GDPR as a means to get some extra funding instead of to protect its citizens?

Yes, because its "protection" is just another form of security theatre.

> do you think that before GDPR there were no victims, but now, post GDPR there are lots of victims and they are the US IT industry?

How are you defining victims? People and government agencies (in the EU…hahaha) who blindly continue to use services of non compliant companies (within the US and outside of the US) while putting up superficial barriers against such at the same time?

Sure, humans can have rights, until they end up on the end of metadata drone strike from partially collated data from said institutions supposedly apart of the "protectors".

At the end of the day, governments nor corporates will give anyone privacy esp to those who dont take meaningful practical steps to combat intrusions for themselves in their everday life for whatever reason… though I don't mind having a laugh at those dancing to the tune of this circus of the piper singing what they want to hear.

Tick tock, tick tock…

This idea that EU and US should fare war against each other, commercially or in other ways, I find absolutely ludicrous. It's not we against you. We are allies, remember?

This has nothing to do with EU vs US vs China vs Russia (though, there will be many people willing to sell you which way or another) or whatever demagogue will take the stage to stroke the minds starved from a sense of reality… and everything to do with people saying one thing and doing another… it's what rude awakenings are made of.

I was under the impression anyone tech-savvy enough to understand GDPR thought it was crazy, and the only people for it were non-tech-savvy people that just see it as free money from big tech companies.

On the contrary, I believed that most “tech-savvy” people were ecstatic that not only was the scummy behaviour of some of the largest tech enterprises finally being reined in, but smaller companies were finally incentivised to take our information security seriously.

Many software developers in Europe are supportive of the GDPR, and many don't care either way.

This continent still remembers when Nazi Germany and the Eastern Bloc tracked people to abuse and even kill them. That was never a direct concern in the UK, but people there are still strongly against government databases (see: UK national id card trial, NHS database trial) and in favour of the right to privacy.

How un-original. I'm under the impression that anyone, tech savvy or not, who fails to understand what it is that GDPR regulate think it's crazy that we have it.

It is more like American companies that don't pay tax hate the GDPR because it is harder to avoid than the tax rules.

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