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That just isn't possible. Javascript is necessary for many features in today's web.

It's actually super possible. Today's web is still 100% compatible with forms and cgi. I just signed into amazon with 2FA and checked out with javascript disabled. Healthcare.gov OTOH won't let me past the 'choose your state' drop down.

How would you make google maps without js?

with page reloads. Sure, it wont be fast or feel good to use, but it is doable as a fallback.

With “page reloads”, the horror!

You should try the dlang forums to see what can be achieved if you don’t fetch 2mbytes of JS from 5 different origins: https://forum.dlang.org

Like what? I run with JavaScript off whenever I can. Most of the time when I enable it to access a site, it's obvious the site could be made to work (for the visitor) without JavaScript.

Like showing and managing the cookies consent pop-up :)

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