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> Accident investigation is a slow process, and slow processes are frustrating. Information comes in a trickle. It's natural to want to piece together whatever details we have, wherever we can find them. In our hunger to find out what happened, how these 346 people lost their lives, let's not lose sight of the fact that the information we have right now is incomplete.

Slow, and possibly corrupted process. If we believe the FAA has been captured by industry, do we trust the outcome of their investigation to be impartial? Do we trust their investigation to be at all competent?

I think it's incredibly important we all remain skeptical of the FAA and Boeing in this; the FAA's reluctance to ground the MAX 8 until it was ordered by the president shows their bias. Any sensible human with a safety-first mindset would have immediately grounded the aircraft after the second crash until a complete investigation was done.

This is likely one reason that the French have been put in charge of part of the investigation of the Ethiopian crash.


Also has a lot of the specialized hardware and equipment required - Ethiopian Air tried shopping their blackbox around to Germany, but they didn't have the hardware to connect to so badly damaged a specimen.

If we believe the FAA has been captured by industry, do we trust the outcome of their investigation to be impartial? Do we trust their investigation to be at all competent?

Correction: US accident investigations are conducted by the NTSB, not the FAA. By design, it's not even part of the DOT, the parent org of the FAA.

From their Wikipedia entry—

"From 1967 to 1975, the NTSB reported to the DOT for administrative purposes, while conducting investigations into the Federal Aviation Administration, also a DOT agency.

To avoid any conflict, Congress passed the Independent Safety Board Act, and on April 1, 1975, the NTSB became a fully independent agency."

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