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Since I keep seeing partially-informed comments about 737 pitch controls here's some notes and terms and links: It's not obvious, it's not simple, and other planes work in other ways - you can not just assume the 737MAX is like them.

The 737 horizontal tail externally looks like 3 moving parts:front-to-back (and large to small) is: Stabilizer : Elevator : Balance Tab.

see here: http://www.b737.org.uk/flightcontrols.htm#Pitch

Stabilizer moves in response to trim - this is what we are mostly looking at.

Elevator moves in response to the control column.

Balance tab has several modes depending on flaps and hydraulic system health - but it mostly serves to offset aerodynamic force on the elevator in case the hydraulics fail and the elevator has to be controlled manually.

(there is one other pitch control, I learned - the spoilers on the wing can give some help in landing in case the elevator controls fail.)

There are many modes of operation and simple generalizations will not help.

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