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Are you arguing that it was a failure of the government regulation by allowing the self regulation that caused the mess?


If a suspect nicely asks a police officer not to arrest them, and the officer complies, that's a failure of policing.

The only difference here is that the vulnerability of regulatory bodies to asking nicely is so well-recognized that it has a fancy name ("Regulatory Capture"), and is backed by loads of published research, and quite frankly is probably the reason that the business class even submits to this sort of regulation at all.

The industry didn't lobby the FAA to allow more self regulation, the POTUS demanded it.

A more accurate analogy would be the police chief ordering the officer not to arrest the judge's son for drunk driving.

Yes, your analogy is fine.

If the police chief was asked on a golf course not to arrest someone, but instead do "self policing", and he complied, it's still a failure in policing, and not any failure of whatever "self policing" is supposed to be.

Maybe we need a regulation solution that doesn't involve handing over ultimate authority half the time to a party that is consistently on record as opposing regulation?

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