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Amazon doesn't have a river in their logo.

That has an interesting error in it:

"This is a good example of why it is import to have a logo that is versatile."

I wonder if the author was considering using the phrase "of import" [1] and decided to be less clever.

1: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/import third definition, import noun (IMPORTANCE)

That article doesn't mention the "smile" is an arrow that goes "from A to Z".

I've only just noticed it, I can't imagine it's not intentional though. Mind you I don't spend long looking at logos unless I'm working on them.

> The font of the logo as we know it today, along with the yellow line, was adopted in 1998. The yellow line started out curving down and now it curves up.

Is that yellow? It looks more orange to me.

Ok, I love that logo. It's straight '90s Outdoor Education.

They did when they started.

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