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> AFAIK, the FAA, like many regulating bodies take everything at face value, making sure they are not getting lied to isn't their jobs.

I don't think this is accurate whatsoever. USDA has inspections all the time, they don't just check a report you file with them and go "Oh yeah, they know what they're doing over there." Similar with other industries.

If a regulatory body doesn't validate the tests of a manufacturer, what good is that body?

I work at a company that builds software for Flight School operators. The operator is required to physically demonstrate our software to a FAA inspector before they can use it. In this case the FAA actually checks that our system works as intended.

> > AFAIK, the FAA, like many regulating bodies take everything at face value, making sure they are not getting lied to isn't their jobs.

> I don't think this is accurate whatsoever.

Which part, that the FAA encourages delegation to Boeing? This is established, AFAIK.

Regulatory agencies taking things at face value.

It's pretty common all around... it's as much about documenting who to point the finger at as anything else.

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