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Introduction to Datalog (x775.net)
203 points by x775 on March 18, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 38 comments

Can anyone recommend any implementation of Datalog (+ negation) that is not datomic?

I haven't tried datascript, which appears to support negation. Maybe I will try that if/when I revisit this interest someday.

Hi Joel.

You can give http://www.dlvsystem.com/dlv/ a shot!

Alternatively, if you prefer open-source solutions, check https://abcdatalog.seas.harvard.edu/.

Due to a number of complications on my machine, I used DLV.

Ah, I usually automatically pass on closed source solutions (hence my dislike for datomic).

TY for the link to abcdatalog though!

Check out Datahike aswell, if you are interested in a durable datalog database.


Cool, ty! Seems similar to DataScript.

It’s actually a port of Datascript — consider it a durable Datascript.

If you're interested in experimenting with Datalog rather than necessarily writing something for production, have a look at Datalog Educational System: http://des.sourceforge.net/

I have been playing with Souffle for my datalog-based static analysis project


Thanks for sharing. There is one very significant conceptual error early on, however, and it is captured first in this statement: "The :- means if and only if, or iff". `:-` means if - or more precisely represents material conditional - where the consequent is on the left and the antecedent is on the right. iff is logical biconditional.

Indeed, ":-" is meant to represent the left-facing arrow of implication. In logic programming papers it is common to typeset it as an actual arrow, for example:

  p(X,Y) ← q(Y,X)

Hi Stephen. You are absolutely right, thank you for the feedback! I have edited accordingly.

I always remind myself that it's not an if-and-only-if with this argument: since there could always be another rule that is satisfied to make that fact true, it can't be iff.

Pretty cool deep-dive on Datalog.

The interactive tutorials on http://www.learndatalogtoday.org (Datomic's dialect) quickly sold me on the idea.

Though coming from Datomic, I'm curious how much of my knowledge is Datomic-specific rather than how you'd generally approach a database queryable with Datalog. For example, do you need four indexes like Datomic (https://docs.datomic.com/on-prem/indexes.html) to make Datalog queries fast?

If you have a lot of facts then you need indexes, otherwise you're scanning a lot of irrelevant data, many times over.

Sure, was just curious where Datomic's EAV, AEV, AVE, VAE indexes fall between Datomic indexing impl detail and general Datalog indexing solution.

Datalog is fascinating, but the blog post makes me curious about more concrete impl-related follow-up questions.

Great post! Still working through it, but there is a slight error in the nested diagram at the start. Relational algebra has set difference, which is akin to negation-as-failure, but it lacks recursion. So the positive Datalog and RA circles should overlap without either containing the other. See http://www.lifl.fr/%7Ekuttler/elfe/biblio/datalog-overview-g...

Hi there. Thanks so much for your feedback, and good catch! I will update the diagram accordingly.

I can no longer edit the parent, but this has been updated. Thanks again!

Nice post. Still, I find the most accessible article describing datalog is "What you Always Wanted to Know About Datalog (And Never Dared to Ask)." by Ceri, Gottlob, Tanca (1989)

Thanks for your feedback!

For those interested in the mentioned paper, see: https://www.utdallas.edu/~gupta/courses/acl/papers/datalog-p...

> The :- means if and only if, or iff.

Is it really the case?

  Mortal(x) :- Human(x).
  Mortal(x) :- Animal(x).
Suppose :- means iff. Turtle is Mortal (lines 2+4, implication to the left). Because Turtle is Mortal, it must be a Human (line 3, implication to the right).

Is it really valid according to Datalog semantics?

Hi! Thank you for highlighting this.

No, you and sdbrady who commented above are correct; the :- only means "if". I have edited accordingly and apologise for the misunderstanding!

Sharing an interesting implementation in python which I stumbled upon yesterday. Repo: https://github.com/pcarbonn/pyDatalog Tutorial: https://sites.google.com/site/pydatalog/Online-datalog-tutor...

If model-theoretic semantics and the various ways to slice, dice, and extend Datalog are interesting to you, then almost any talk by Peter Alvaro might be as well.

In particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2Aa4PivG0g

Can you specify symmetric and transitive closure in Datalog?

Transitive closure is the first thing nearly every introduction to datalog (or Prolog, for that matter) will show you. All you had to do was click the link and scroll down:

    Edge("a", "b").
    Edge("b", "c").

    Path(x, y) :-
        Edge(x, y).

    Path(x, z) :-
        Path(x, y),
        Edge(y, z).
Symmetric closure, assuming I'm understanding correctly, is also trivial:

    SymmetricEdge(Left, Right) :-
        Edge(Left, Right).
    SymmetricEdge(Left, Right) :-
        Edge(Right, Left).

I was wondering about termination. With finite ground facts that appears not to be an issue. Complexity is another matter.

Re: complexity, read up on "semi-naïve evaluation" for the usual execution strategy, which basically involves keeping lists of newly-added tuples in each iteration of the fixpoint loop and only processing deltas related to those new additions. This, combined with good index inference for each relation (predicate), so that e.g. the node-neighbor lookup is O(log |V|), should result in efficient execution...

Termination is achieved in brian_cloutier's example (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19423320) by the use of different clauses (e.g., `Path` vs. `Edge`), so that all recursion is productive.

Datalog always terminates because there is no way to derive new atoms.

Yes, but there's more to it than just that. It's possible to write Prolog programs which never derive new atoms yet still fail to terminate.

It might be more accurate to say that Datalog programs cannot derive new atoms and this allows Datalog interpreters to use a search strategy which is guaranteed to terminate.

EDIT: Thinking about this more, I'm not sure why Prolog couldn't also use breadth-first search. So maybe both are necessary: Datalog not only disallows creating new atoms, but it also has a better search strategy; the combination of the two results in guaranteed termination.

Datalog does not have a search strategy per se. The general "strategy" (or definition) is the fixpoint of the T_p operator that derives all one-step-derivable facts from the facts and the rules.

The minimal model (result of derivation) is defined as the fixpoint of this operation. And the minimal model is finite because of the fixed number of atoms.

Every other evaluation strategy must be equivalent to this. Both in terms of termination and minimal model.

Prolog could use breadth first instead of SLD (and there are other Prolog evaluation strategies that, for example, use tabling for derived facts) but then you might get an infinite number of backtracking points instead of terms of infinite depth. You haven't really won anything by doing that.

My understanding is that Datalog terminates because it does not allow functions as arguments to predicates. No functions means it's not possible to create infinite terms:

  ... etc
In fact I understand that termination is guaranteed even if a datalog program is executed by a Prolog interpreter. Or in other words, it's a result of the language semantics, not its implementation.

(but I might be wrong about this- corrections welcome).

You are wrong.

p(X) :- p(X). does usually not terminate in a top-down (Prolog) system but does in a bottom-up (Datalog) system. Datalog doesn't even allow terms as predicate arguments so of course you can't construct them of infinite size. But also this isn't allowed (where it is in Prolog)

p(X) :- p(Y), X is Y + 1.

Given a fact p(0) you get p(X) true for any integer X or generate all positive integers. This doesn't terminate for some binding patterns.

>> p(X) :- p(Y), X is Y + 1.

is/2 is not Datalog though- it takes an arithmetic function as an argument; +/2 in your example. So the above would not terminate because it's Prolog, not because it's a Datalog program evaluated by Prolog.

>> Datalog doesn't even allow terms as predicate arguments so of course you can't construct them of infinite size.

Usual confusion: I think you mean "terms" as in Prolog terms, i.e. atoms of predicates (as opposed to terms in logic programming, i.e. variables, constants and functions). Datalog accepts constants and variables so with a finite vocabulary you can't create infinite atoms. I don't think that has to do with bottom-up or top-down evaluation.

To be honest, I haven't read any Datalog papers, but I'd be surprised if the termination guaranteed rested upon a specific implementation rather than the language semantics. Maybe not surprised- but it would be less interersting if you can only guarantee termination if you implement the language just so, vs. if it's a property of the language.

The minimal herbrandt model does not have new atoms. Besides what is given in the rules and the starting facts (empty for least fix point).

So the "biggest" model is only as large as any atom in any position for any predicate and that is always finite for a finite number of sorts or predicates.

Is gave is/2 as an example of how Prologo allows you to generate new atoms/terms that have not been facts before.

Apologies- I misunderstood your example with is/2.

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