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My first thought was this book. But the book treated this idea almost tongue in cheek. (the writers in the book were treated like royalty) And as a teen I thought this was a good idea, but as an adult I feel this is a marketing gimmick. :P

Both Niven and Pournelle are part of the SIGMA Forum, which is a real-life consortium of science fiction writers who consult with the government. While the Pentagon and the White House have flirted with the concept over the years, they generally haven’t had any significant policy impact, SDI aside.

They literally claimed to have been responsible for the downfall of Russia and the end of the cold war.


A humours note on SDI, I read somewhere there Reagan made this up almost on the spot (or it was only ever "discussed" nothing actually planned in meetings) and left people in his administration scrambling to explain what he was talking about. (ie, he "announced" the star wars system in 83' but SDI didn't even get started until 84')

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