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Just use yeast extract and magically nobody will get headaches.

Something similar is done to placate “intelligent free thinkers” who think nitrates and nitrites are the devil. If you go into a Whole Foods practically every cured meat is labeled “Uncured! Nitrate free!” If you follow the inevitable asterisk though, you see the the caveat “Except those derived from natural sources, such as celery juice.”


Just... eat less bacon, and don’t kid yourself that it somehow matters how the nitrates got there.

Nitrates are unhealthy, even if vendors are intentionally misleading about celery.

The weird thing is, many vegetables are full of nitrates but people only seem to care when they are in meat.

That (probably) has some reality, because the issue is that nitrates and high heat cooking + proteins probably causes generation of Nitrosamine, which are carcinogenic.

Don't eat meat all the time and you will be fine.

I saw a TV program which claimed to be disproving MSG allergies/reactions. The science in it was terrible, though - they served one of two meals to a bunch of people claiming allergies, one of which had artificial MSG added and the other, 'placebo' meal had a seaweed extract added which contained naturally occurring MSG. Then they proceeded to deride the people who showed allergic reactions to the "placebo" as fakers, despite it containing the exact chemical that they'd claimed a sensitivity to.

I wish people would stop using yeast extract and just stick to MSG. Yeast extract always leaves a weird taste in my mouth that won't go away for hours. It's even worse that almost all kinds of chips available in my country that aren't just plain salt use yeast extract these days.

Stop eating chips? Your body will thank you.

does calling MSG "yeast extract" work too?

No, one contains a potential allergen.

Yeah, the yeast extract.

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