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This (very basic) website is hosted on an alarm clock (dyndns.org)
93 points by middlegeek on Nov 26, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

A few years back (before the iPhone & Android were out) I hosted a website on my Nokia N82 phone. Nokia enabled this by routing requests to the server on your phone via a URL hosted at '<yourname>.mymobilesite.net' (now discontinued).

To be fair, this is not your grandpa's alarm clock, but a Chumpy. Though I'm sure that could be done too without too much trouble.

"... To be fair, this is not your grandpa's alarm clock, but a Chumpy. ..."

Chumby ~ http://www.chumby.com/pages/compare

the authors build page ~ http://kennethfinnegan.blogspot.com/2010/11/chumby-webserver... and there is an foss version CHB available ~ http://wiki.ladyada.net/chumbyhackerboard from Ada Industries

Now, it would be very nice if the website displayed the actual time on the alarm clock.

Or even better: what about streaming the video from a webcam pointing at the alarm clock?

Talk about meta...

I wonder how badly the "Chumby" name hurts their organic search.

Of the 18 comments currently on HN, discounting one explicit correction, we have 3 erroneous "Chumpy"s and 1 correct "Chumby".

It's a shame all the useful names are trademarked and we have to resort to synthetic alphabetic tags for the rest of eternity.

> It's a shame all the useful names are trademarked and we have to resort to synthetic alphabetic tags for the rest of eternity

There is always the number line :P

This alarm clock runs on a web server!

It's more like a web server that runs an alarm clock. The Chumby has the computing power of web servers 10 years ago.

Isn't that what I just said?


The Chumpy is a full featured computer with Linux running on a 454 MHz ARM processor used as an alarm clock !

My phone has a 1GHz ARM processor and is used as an alarm clock! Can't a big thing be a small thing too?

  Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at kwf.dyndns.org:5821.
well, I guess that was expected for a website that is hosted on an alarm clock :)

It's working fine for me. Perhaps it just needed to be turned off and on again? :)

Or press Snooze.

It's an issue with the internet connection. Local load tests show the actual server solid.

Corporate/home firewall may be blocking that?

Chumpy looks interesting (feel like I should have known about it before now)..but I find the choice between battery+cheaper vs stereo unfortunate. I'd consider a Chumpy One + Stereo (at a higher price)..but as-is, I feel the available options lacking.

It does have a stereo 1/8th inch jack on it, and neither set of speakers is really any good for music, so if you really care about audio quality, I would use external speakers. Stereo doesn't do that much when the speakers are 4" apart.

Seems the alarm clock is turned off, because the website is down right now.

what happens to the site when the alarm goes off?

thats like installing a webserver on an eeepc and saying its hosted on a picture frame...

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