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Ask HN: Not many apps released as the part of November startup sprint.
14 points by ssing on Nov 24, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments
This is reference to: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1773398

Not many days left in November but I haven't seen many apps posted on HN this month as part of startup sprint. Just being curious here.

I'm just putting the final touches on my app and I'm planning on announcing it next Tuesday.

I'm curious though, what's the best way to announce the app on here? What etiquette should I follow?

Still working on Appointment Reminder. It is pretty close to being ready for 1.0, although it is going to be a very rough-and-ready 1.0.

I've been busting my ass and almost have everything ready for this month. Testing my new AS2, AS3 and JS APIs at the moment (one last problem to solve), got my shiney new website, even announced pricing with few complaints. And I'm taking it realtime ... that's been a fun challenge - 7b events/month now!

Still working on TradesAlerts.com ... Fine-tuning my stop loss to be relative the stock's profile. Coincidently, a few days after I sent out my first alerts, North & South Korea get into a conflict.. there goes my Buy side alert. Lol.

Just wondering, is it just me or is the media shutting down straight after the North & South Korea conflict, the stocks go straight back up!!

I finished http://instantsprite.com. It's not really a startup, but it is an app that I was motivated by the startup sprint posts to finish.

I submitted it a few days ago, and got a few comments: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1922845

I'm still working on http://plumrss.com/. What should have been an MVP has evolved into something slightly more than that, but we're still pushing features in where we can.

Hopefully it'll be crammed full for November, but there are a few big features that have been pushed til December.

While not originally started as part of this startup sprint I just rolled out my first Windows Phone 7 application "To Do Today" http://compiledexperience.com/windows-phone-7/to-do

Very much a minimum viable product with extra features in the pipeline.

We've released http://caniafforditnow.com , an online tool to get a Second Opinion before your Purchase and a Free Financial Health Check Anonymously and Instantly.

Try it before your holiday shopping :)

I am thankful for all the HN feedback.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I finished the web version of my recipe management app yesterday, and I'm trying to push the iPhone version before the end of the month. I still need to buy the domain and name it though, so if you have any ideas, comment. Definatly planning to launch still.


Drag-and-drop gallerys for designers to show comps and mockups.

Marketing suggestions humbly received!

(Idea from @glenmurphy's Dropmocks project from a couple months back + PSD support + revisions + ipad viewer + ...)

I finally got around to starting something towards the middle of November, and only recently did I realize there's no way I can finish in half a month. But, if anything, it got me motivated to actually start on something.

http://www.dealzfull.com is almost there It is ugly right now but functional. You can also follow @dealzfull or @dealzfullnyc on twitter for automatic updates of great deals

Minklinks (http://www.minklinks.com/) had to go on the back burner a little last week and part of the week before. I'm behind but still working on it.

unfortunately I've fallen victim to an over ambitious project and a lack of time to accomplish my goal. That said... I'm really pleased with how far I've come and what I did manage to get done. I know I'll miss the end of November deadline but I'm going to turn that loss into a positive and spend some additional time on gameplay and mechanics.

I'm still really glad I participated and hope this comes around again next year. Though I'll do a better job of making public updates at that time to keep everybody in the loop and do some nice pre-marketing.

I should have started with my status. I released mine yesterday but only to my friends. Will wait to get there feedback before announcing it on HN which might take couple of weeks.

I've relased http://www.mobilova.com , our mobile site creation tool 1.0 for dynamicy sites.

Not many days left in November..

There's a good week to go - and Thanksgiving weekend is just getting started for everyone based in the US :)

Mine is somewhat ready this week, but I'm kind of busy with other stuff during Thanksgiving weekend. I'll release next Monday.

Ok, here's my app for November. Previous Look - http://www.previouslook.com

The Tell HN submission - http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1950729.

Thanks to "secos" for starting the November startup sprint that helped us(me) to be more focused and work towards the goal.

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