Monolith has huge advantage when maybe your code is like 100k lines or below:
1. Easy cross module unit testing/integration testing, thus sharing components is just easier.
2. Single deployment process
3. CR visibility automatically promotes to all parties of interests, assuming the CR process is working as desired.
4. Also, just a personal preference, easier IDE code suggestion. If you went through json serializing/de-serializing across module boundary, type inference/cohesion is just out-of-reach.
And it is not like monolith doesn't have separation of concern at all. After all, monolith can have modules, and submodules. Start abstracting using file system API, but grouping relevant stuff into folders, before put them into different packages. After all, once diverging, it is really hard to go back.
Unless you have a giant team and more than enough engineers to spare for devops. Micrservices can be considered as a organizational premature optimization.
Monolith has huge advantage when maybe your code is like 100k lines or below:
1. Easy cross module unit testing/integration testing, thus sharing components is just easier.
2. Single deployment process
3. CR visibility automatically promotes to all parties of interests, assuming the CR process is working as desired.
4. Also, just a personal preference, easier IDE code suggestion. If you went through json serializing/de-serializing across module boundary, type inference/cohesion is just out-of-reach.
And it is not like monolith doesn't have separation of concern at all. After all, monolith can have modules, and submodules. Start abstracting using file system API, but grouping relevant stuff into folders, before put them into different packages. After all, once diverging, it is really hard to go back.
Unless you have a giant team and more than enough engineers to spare for devops. Micrservices can be considered as a organizational premature optimization.