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I'm not a painter but I think my experience at learning to play the piano in my 50s is applicable. 30 years after college, where my musical career (clarinet) ended, I finally decided to try to learn to play the piano, having had a desire to do so for decades. I started out by purchasing an inexpensive Yamaha electronic keyboard and some beginner's books, sat down and starting banging away. A year later, after gaining some competency, and, more importantly, learning that I really enjoyed it, I went out a purchased a real piano. While my late start and relative lack of innate talent means that I probably will never be as good as I wished, I can play well enough for my own tastes and I still enjoy both practicing and playing. My only regret is not doing this earlier.

As so many others have stated, the key to learning how to do something is to actually get yourself dirty and do it. The tools you can acquire, the variety of things to paint are endless. The only thing you're missing is the will.

Good luck!

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