Calibre can convert a Kindle DRM encumbered book to another format? News to me....and apparently the folks at Calebre since .azw isn't listed as one of the supported formats.
Calibre can't do the conversion, but AZW files are (most of the time) just MOBI files that have been DRM'd, so if you can break the DRM, you can easily convert it to something else (ePub, etc.) using Calibre. Fortunately, the Kindle DRM has been broken for quite some time, so there are plenty of ways to do this.
True, but if you're ideologically against DRM, it doesn't make sense to buy DRMed media even if you'll break it later. By giving them profit for DRMed media, you make it less likely that a non-DRM system will come about.
(At least, that's my reason for not getting a Kindle)
If, however, we end up having a bunch of different readers each one locked into its own walled garden, I'm out.