Worth noting: ovh have stunningly good rates for RAM, on dirt cheap instances, and you just have to accept there'll be unplanned reboots and their support is, well, they're dirt cheap, it's minimal.
For things that suit those constraints, they're amazing value for money though.
I used both Hetzner and Scaleway. I trust Hetzner way more tbh. With Scaleway we had several issues other commenters also mentioned: instances not rebooting, random freezes, instance types out of stock. In the meantime we have both bare metal and VPS servers on Hetzner that have years of uptime.
I love Hetzner but you have to compare like for like. The EX42 is a dedicated machine which is great for perf and HD space but bad for maintenance, flexibility and setup fees. It’s also desktop hardware so no ECC memory.
Hetzner does have cloud vps though e.g. CX51 32 gb 8 vcpu at 29 eur ex vat. So a bit cheaper but not as much DC location choice as you get with OVH.