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I thought Keybase was open source? Released under the New BSD (3 Clause) License?

The clients are. The platform they all run on top of is centralized, made up its own irresponsibly insecure key handling and crypto protocols, and is proprietary.

They didn't make any of their own security, they use very well established open-source security libraries for everything. Stop spreading FUD.

I have researched their approach in great detail and found design flaws in it like: https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues/1946

A lot of trust is rooted in their centralized proprietary walled garden API and to make matters worse they actually silently bypass hardware security modules in favor of keys exposed to system memory!

They even encourage users to expose their PGP private keys to their browser and didn't even bother to isolate it to a service worker so browser plugins can't steal it (or just supporting hardware tokens which GPG already did just fine)

Almost everything they do is non standard, not interoperable with anything else, not distributed to keyservers. They are the internet explorer of cryptography.

They did this in the name of UX but it turns out you can have super easy PGP UX AND follow standards as OpenKeychain has demonstrated.

Keybase introduced lock-in and their own protocols for problems that did not at all need them. They are 2 steps forward on UX and one huge backwards step for security.

You have been on this crusade for a long time now and you have posted this link often, I just realized that keybase is not just a GPG replacement and that using it with my smart card is not a good fit and not the problem they want to solve. So I just accepted that and actually tried to figure out what keybase is actually doing and why rather then demanding they do what I initially wanted from it.

They have been focusing on a per-device key system and its not really a gpg front-end. NaCl is a well known library and what they do is based on it. Saltpack is an open library they use and they use other open libraries as well. I happen to like the how the keybase security system works and I think it has advantages over the GPG that I like.

If you don't want to use the evil centralized system at least spamming the same issue every-time Keybase comes up. If Keybase is not the solution you like then just move on with your life.

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