Those are mainly mainstream articles, politicians' and celebrity talking points. They don't even account for the type of job, hours worked, danger of the job, etc.
There are some good studies on this subject that I've read over the years though, for instance one among lawyers in a firm in which women were paid about 2-3% lower than men, on average IIRC. But these often don't or can't take into account personality characteristics. For instance, women on average are more agreeable and so often don't negotiate as hard as men on their salary.
When controlling for all factors, wage differences largely disappear.
Granted if anyone has actual evidence of gender pay discrimination I'm 100% for fighting those battles when they come up, but I'm tired of the same old "Women make 77% what men do!!!!1" headlines and people taking them at full face value.
There are some good studies on this subject that I've read over the years though, for instance one among lawyers in a firm in which women were paid about 2-3% lower than men, on average IIRC. But these often don't or can't take into account personality characteristics. For instance, women on average are more agreeable and so often don't negotiate as hard as men on their salary.
When controlling for all factors, wage differences largely disappear.