>> In the U.S. at least, the true maker space is still in your basement or garage.
> That doesn't scale.
It most definitely can scale. If there is a strong national or regional social norm that encourages tinkering in your current garage, basement, or dorm room, it can reach a far broader scale than forcing folks to make things in pre-defined maker spaces that require memberships and monthly fees.
Maker spaces have benefits, like increased connectivity and collaboration as well as efficiently dividing the cost of larger pieces of equipment. However, they also introduce costs, like monthly fees, forced social connections, and engendering group-think. It can be far more beneficial for a group of students/colleagues/friends to meet in their parent's basement or garage than to each sign up for a maker space.
> That doesn't scale.
It most definitely can scale. If there is a strong national or regional social norm that encourages tinkering in your current garage, basement, or dorm room, it can reach a far broader scale than forcing folks to make things in pre-defined maker spaces that require memberships and monthly fees.
Maker spaces have benefits, like increased connectivity and collaboration as well as efficiently dividing the cost of larger pieces of equipment. However, they also introduce costs, like monthly fees, forced social connections, and engendering group-think. It can be far more beneficial for a group of students/colleagues/friends to meet in their parent's basement or garage than to each sign up for a maker space.