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I don't have a Twitter account, but I recommend submitting this to: https://darkpatterns.org/

This is shameful and should be called out. Price is not the same thing as cost of ownership.

You can only use Dark Patterns with a Twitter account?

Is this some kind of intentional irony or something? Social Login force-tied to a specific company is Dark Pattern #1 in my books.

Edit: They define "dark pattern" at the top of their site:

> Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you buy or sign up for things that you didn't mean to.

That's exactly with Login With Twitter is. The user is presented with a simple option for logging in, but then is tricked by giving their metadata and account info that will 'sign them up' to be analyzed and targeted by Twitter for whatever purposes. Yes the TOS is probably there on social login, but aren't Long TOSs that are prompted in the middle of a user flow also Dark Patterns, as no user is likely to read them?

Can't possibly take that site seriously.

Edit 2: The darkest pattern from their site:

> We aren't great at responding to email — Twitter is best.


That's not what they're doing - they aren't saying login with twitter - there is no login for darkpatterns - they just want you to spread the word using their alias and hashtags.

>Use Twitter to spread the word about Dark Patterns. It's the most effective way to put pressure onto companies to stop using Dark Patterns.

>Retweet, quote and favorite other people's tweets about Dark Patterns. >@mention the offending brands and tell them what you think about their practices.

>When you see a Dark Pattern, take screenshots and tweet it. Mention @darkpatterns or use the hashtag #darkpattern.

>If you've got an example that doesn't fit into a tweet, you can use a platform like medium or imgur, then tweet it.

Irony so thick you can karate chop it.

not good at email, "Twitter is best" -> if we aren't publicly able to show how responsive we are, and what our answer is, its a much lower priority for us...?

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