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The page loads scripts from an insane number of hosts:

redislabs.com 3lift.com eb2.3lift.com adnxs.com ib.adnxs.com adroll.com d.adroll.com s.adroll.com advertising.com pixel.advertising.com s3.amazonaws.com execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com x7ussrk21g.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com auryc.com mt.auryc.com bidswitch.net x.bidswitch.net bizible.com cdn.bizible.com bizographics.com sjs.bizographics.com casalemedia.com dsum-sec.casalemedia.com cloudflare.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com createjs.com code.createjs.com digitalreachagency.com cdn.digitalreachagency.com doubleclick.net g.doubleclick.net cm.g.doubleclick.net googleads.g.doubleclick.net stats.g.doubleclick.net static.doubleclick.net drift.com api.drift.com chat.api.drift.com 77314-14.chat.api.drift.com conversation.api.drift.com customer.api.drift.com enrichment.api.drift.com event.api.drift.com live.api.drift.com 77314-14.live.api.drift.com metrics.api.drift.com driftt.com js.driftt.com facebook.com www.facebook.com facebook.net connect.facebook.net fontawesome.com use.fontawesome.com ggpht.com yt3.ggpht.com google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com google.com www.google.com fonts.googleapis.com googletagmanager.com www.googletagmanager.com gstatic.com fonts.gstatic.com hotjar.com in.hotjar.com script.hotjar.com static.hotjar.com vars.hotjar.com imgix.net driftt.imgix.net leadlander.com tracking.leadlander.com linkedin.com ads.linkedin.com px.ads.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com marketo.com lonrtp1.marketo.com lonrtp1-cdn.marketo.com rtp-static.marketo.com marketo.net munchkin.marketo.net mktoresp.com 915-nfd-128.mktoresp.com mrpdata.net j.mrpdata.net openx.net us-u.openx.net outbrain.com sync.outbrain.com pubmatic.com simage2.pubmatic.com reachforce.com cdn.reachforce.com smartformsapi.reachforce.com rlcdn.com idsync.rlcdn.com rubiconproject.com pixel.rubiconproject.com sf14g.com t.sf14g.com stackadapt.com srv.stackadapt.com tags.srv.stackadapt.com taboola.com match.taboola.com trc.taboola.com userty.com cdn.userty.com yahoo.com ads.yahoo.com youtube.com www.youtube.com ytimg.com i.ytimg.com

I guess some of all those hosts is doing something that goes haywire and results in this problem.

Would be cool if we could downrank pages like this somehow. Maybe tell the submitter "The page loads scripts (and therefore sends data to) 117 different servers. Please be aware that we will not show it on the front page until it has at least 117 upvotes".

I block all third-party requests with ublock and enable them one at a time (targeted, by looking at what they are manually) to get websites working again (when I really want to). It is generally insane how many external requests are 'needed' to display very basic websites like blogs or general information websites of companies.

There is lots of information on optimizing images and whenever I speak to designers they always say "don't worry, we optimize the images", which is great of course, but they completely overlook all the JS. Many websites don't only load more JS in terms of raw file size, but the parsing of all this JS then, again, takes more time than loading all of CSS and images, combined. And for what? Usually some annoying pop-ups, image sliders or some chat-box. In fact, those chat-boxes themselves load complete web pages in the iframe they are created in. I also see websites loading multiple versions of jQuery.

Anyway, 117 external requests for anything, let alone a blog, is insane.

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