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What is it generally used for though? To me, a "k.v" store sounds like a very generic but nice thing to have, but I still don't have a good sense of what it is and what people think of it.

The one place I've run into it is in web development where it's used for caching? In some tutorials I've read.

So lets consider one use case. We have a website where people login and we create a session to track that user across different pages on the website. Now the session will have data like user name (to display on the website), the user's location or IP address, the user's preferences, etc. So whilst the browser and the website communicate with a cookie (to identify this session), we need to store this session data somewhere. You can use a file or a database to read and write to this session data which works fine. But redis shines in this example where the speed is very good and you also have the session id as they 'key' and the session data as the 'value' that you can store.

Redis gives you amazing speed and because it provides a kv interface, the work is very easy.

Thanks, I never heard a practical example like this. I assume the "value" side of Key:Value can be a giant heap of JSON? So theoretically you can retrieve an entire collection of structured data as long as you know the key, correct?

And where the usefulness of K:V store is beaten by SQL is the point you would want to run a "JOIN" or "GROUP" on the data, for example if you wanted to count the number of keys containing a certain data point, correct?

Yes the big bag of data which is generally the value in the kv store is a json (either as a serialized string or a map if it is natively supported by redis).

Yes, the usefulness of SQL always is the join or group but with something like session, the idea is to just use it to dump values into the store which you don't want to reach into the database every time. So different teams will want to put in their own keys and data into the session object which means your DB session store becomes extremely difficult to maintain over time.

On the other hand, the joins and groups based on this can be handled later in time than in the req-response cycle itself.

In a simplified manner: "I have this resource or a big piece of information I don't want to pull from my slow database or slow external service on each request/call/etc.

I'm going to see if that resource is there by doing `GET external.foo.bar`. if there is nothing here, I perform the slow pull. After the slow pull is done, we store the result in redis under the same name `external.foo.bar` with a timeout for x seconds.

Next time that resource is requested from our code, it will be there, so `GET external.foo.bar` will get us that resource without having to perform a slow call to external service. "

Thank you that was a great example. So from what I understand, Redis shouldn't be used unless there's a scaling issue?

Also, where does Redis sit (my guess is between request & database)?

Well, the previous comment was describing the use of Redis as a cache, and in that use case, yeah, it's kind of between the application and the database.

That said, caching is just one of the possible uses for Redis. I think of it as an easy way to share arrays, dictionaries, queues, etc between different applications. Then it's easy to see how it can be used for almost anything.

When used as a cache, Redis is often used as a 'look aside cache' (vs 'look thru cache'). Generally speaking, Redis does not talk directly to your database. Instead, your code looks to Redis, and then if it doesn't find what it's looking for, your code looks to your SQL database

The possibilities are kind of limitless. Redis implements a lot of data structures beyond a simple k/v map.

A simple non-caching example, but we use it for distributed locking, more specifically a distributed countdown latch. This is much cleaner and more performant (for us) than doing a similar operation in a traditional RDBMS.

Another very common example that is used in a lot of tutorials is maintaining a leaderboard using a sorted set.

What do you do when Redis dies on you?

All the normal strategies for dealing with distributed services still apply.

In most of these scenarios, you are still persisting data to stable storage. So, you would take the performance hit and load the data from the database.

Devil's advocate: I've seen Redis used lots but by people who mostly didn't seem to know what they're doing: NoSQL bandwagon or other magical thinking: "It's fast". Yeah, but only because it does nothing to avoid losing your data or be HA (the disk persistency and clustering options don't have pleasant semantics ATM, as far as I can tell).

You can use it as a simple cache, and that's fine. But then why not just stick with memcached -- less is more?

There are probably some scenarios where single point of failure and data loss is fine and the additional data structures redis provides over memcached are handy (e.g. analytics), but I've never seen it used for that.

Its commonly used to enhance the performance of web apps, ex: to put less load on your database by caching, to provide faster queries, session handling so your database doesn't has to do it, and of course, many more use cases.

Don't jump to use it unless you really have performance/scaling issues.

In Rails work, two of the most common things it might be used for are: 1) A data cache, 2) a queue of work for background jobs.

This only scratches the surface of what is possible, but it's some things redis is used for.

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