Down the street from me is a baker so good he doesn't even have any signage, you have to know it's there -- the line out the door at certain times might be a hint -- and as far as I can tell, other than punching in the prices in the minimum cash register required by law, they keep no records at the point of sale.
I don't know if he keeps spreadsheets or even databases elsewhere -- I hope he does, as he's an amazing baker and works his butt off, and I hope he makes tons of money. But I really don't think he has any record of, say, whether Rye or Spelt sells out faster. (It all sells out every day.)
So I wonder if there's some level of artistry where optimization might just be an annoying distraction.
I don't know if he keeps spreadsheets or even databases elsewhere -- I hope he does, as he's an amazing baker and works his butt off, and I hope he makes tons of money. But I really don't think he has any record of, say, whether Rye or Spelt sells out faster. (It all sells out every day.)
So I wonder if there's some level of artistry where optimization might just be an annoying distraction.