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This isn't a supply mission, it's a demo of a crewed mission to send people up to the ISS on SpaceX's platform.

Assuming this demo goes well, and a few other things (like an abort test at a later date with the exact capsule that they are sending up to the station goes well), then SpaceX's Falcon 9 and Dragon 2 platform will be rated for human spaceflight by NASA.

There's also a bit of a race going on to be the first private company to send people to space on a rocket. Both Boeing and SpaceX are currently neck-and-neck in the race, and I'm going to guess the winner will come down to a technicality (someone filed paperwork faster, or someone was approved more quickly than the other, or even just the ISS is in the right position at the right time and one of them has their launch date set before the other).

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