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> I wonder if in 5000 years time there will be people making similar observations regarding airports and placing their own idea of what our primitive religion must have been to have created these things

Airports today are treated as a kind of holy site.

* Certain types of speech are considered blasphemy in airports. Try and say the word bomb near the security line and see what happens.

* We have purification rituals we have to undergo, some would say trials even, before we can enter the inner sanctum. We have to shed our old self and be blessed before we can enter.

* We all become like children in airports, obedient and servile while in the presence of the security deity.

* Blessed goods such as alcohol and cigarettes from the duty free shops and 'holy water' (water purchased inside the secure zone) are available inside.

* The is a ritual for re-entering the normal world: customs, and all of the inspections and mortifications associated with that.

I'm sure some will argue that these rituals are in place for a good reason. But to me they make no more sense than the arbitrary rituals and superstitions of any of our most ancient religions.

That made me chuckle. I will be elaborating on this mentally over the next few weeks. At least a trip to the airport does take you to the heavens above. I am now imagining the staff in Catholic style robes.

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