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The scary thing is in the US most people over 40 probably have impaired executive function and impulse control due to childhood exposure to lead.

Just in case anyone is confused why Trump is president and 2/3 of congress and the senate are utterly off their nut.

Probably only a little bit true.

The extent to which one is affected depends on their ability to produce metallothionein [1], which is genetic/epigenetic.

Most people have sufficient metallothionein expression to detoxify low-level environmental lead from their bodies.

For people who do have non-lethal lead toxicity, the effects are a dulling/deadening of the personality - reduced creativity, sociability, cognitive agility.

Say what you like about Trump, but dull doesn't really fit.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallothionein

> Say what you like about Trump, but dull doesn't really fit.

I'm not actually talking about him, just pouting out that if widespread problems with executive function and impulse control resulted in a tripping of the murder rate 1960-1990, stands to reason there would be knock off politic effects as well. You have a voting public that makes bad political decisions.

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