I also think it's unfair to say the OP is taking advantage of being a girl. If the OP is being honest in her account, she legitimately believed the cabbie would say No. It's naive to think just because you think being a girl means she can get her way means the OP believes the same.
Yes I see your point. What occurred to me is that what she has learned in that specific case, of getting a free cab fare worth $30 or $60, is something that many attractive young women learn about men. Knowing how to work it and being able to can be a ego booster as long as one is young and attractive. It is not however necessarily something that benefits the world, nor is it necessarily good for the person in the long run as their beauty fades and they find men are not as accommodating. The lessons learned in this specific situation, while important, are not the same as the general lessons of "rejection therapy" where one learns to take more risks as a life hack. Once the learning branches into getting free stuff because one is a pretty girl, then it's really a different issue. My observation is that free cab fare just for asking is something that is not available to men. To make sure, I even tried it out last night and was told "GFY" by the cabbie. I'll keep trying on occasion, but I am pretty sure I am right that this one has a strong gender age and looks component to how it works.
Also, want to make clear the cab was the only one I felt this was the driving factor since it was a pretty expensive free gift for a businessman to just hand over to anyone. The forklift lessons were a pretty good and reasonable one since it's not a common request, you learn a useful skill, and the driver often will enjoy it as well so that all parties benefit. In my opinion, the sorts of deals one wants to work with their confidence and curiosity are ones that benefit all parties, and not only one sided.
Again, if we trust the OP in their account the only reason she asked for the ride was because she expected the cabbie to say no. I hope she doesn't see this as an indication that she deserves free cab rides.
Btw, not sure where you live but it must be McRichVille if a 20 minute walk is a $30 - $60 cab ride.
EDIT: I also think it's unfair to say the OP is taking advantage of being a girl. If the OP is being honest in her account, she legitimately believed the cabbie would say No. It's naive to think just because you think being a girl means she can get her way means the OP believes the same.