In _Shop Class As Soulcraft_, there's a chapter about the death of the tinkering spirit in American culture, where he takes to task Build A Bear Workshop (although, come on, they're kids!) and a bike manufacturer that allows enthusiasts to "customize" their bikes by custom-ordering variants of the bike or buying bolt-on kit parts. This site made me think of that.
It's all well and good, I guess, to stick decals on your Ikea furniture. I was just hoping for actual woodworking.
In _Shop Class As Soulcraft_, there's a chapter about the death of the tinkering spirit in American culture, where he takes to task Build A Bear Workshop (although, come on, they're kids!) and a bike manufacturer that allows enthusiasts to "customize" their bikes by custom-ordering variants of the bike or buying bolt-on kit parts. This site made me think of that.
It's all well and good, I guess, to stick decals on your Ikea furniture. I was just hoping for actual woodworking.