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Ask HN: How many co-founder breakups did you go through?
1 point by bobosha on Feb 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
How many co-founder breakups did you go through before finding the "one", if at all?

I am at 3 and haven't found the one. It's probably the most difficult part of a startup and even more important than the idea itself.

No co-founder is perfect. I've never met a serial entrepreneur who starts new companies with the same people.

When my co-founder relationships have worked, it's been because we're on the same page professionally, not personally. I like them and enjoy working with them, but they're not my friends, and I don't rely on them for anything other than their role in the company.

If your co-founders are also a large part of your social life, things can get a lot more difficult and complicated, and friends are rarely the best co-founders anyway.

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