Just an example, some of the latest sentiment on Google, that would suggest why it hasn't got a great ranking (though also, it's not a terrible ranking):
Ok, my phone or Google Voice is unable to pick up calls when I press '1' to accept, and I can't connect via Gizmo5. WTF?
Google gps sucks all of a sudden
WTF? I open up Google and the first thing i see is "Will Justin Bieber get naked for Love Magazine?" and im like WHAT???
Ok, my phone or Google Voice is unable to pick up calls when I press '1' to accept, and I can't connect via Gizmo5. WTF?
Google gps sucks all of a sudden
WTF? I open up Google and the first thing i see is "Will Justin Bieber get naked for Love Magazine?" and im like WHAT???