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Seems very clear to me. What is the alternative?

That's the million dollar question.

What's the alternative to declaring our UI using pseudo-html elements and string-matching on css class proxies from the currently-in-favour CSS framework which sits on top of the javascript framework of the moment which, after going through several transpilation steps to become plain old javascript, then sits on the client manipulating a shadow-DOM, to finally render plain old html?

No idea. Hopefully some nice solutions will arise from other languages which compile to wasm - I would expect all the major players to be looking at coming up with something to that effect now that the world seems ready for Silverlight 2.0 and everyone loves writing frameworks.[1]

Until then, any solution will unfortunately probably involve adding yet another level to the house of cards, maybe one which compiles down to buefy or the Vue bootstrap components..

[1] yeah, I see the irony in that it's just another stack which will probably be just as insane in many ways, but at least it will compile in less than 5mins.

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