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Hello, I downvoted and will tell you why. I don't have crohn's or UC, but I do have ankylosing spondylitis which is a related autoimmune issue which is very correlated with crohn's/uc especially in the genetic incidence (HLA-b27 positive).

I am entirely sympathetic to the idea that certain diets do really help symptoms at times. Examples that have been studied include Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Low FODMAPS, etc. These diets do NOT work for everyone and thus are highly variable.

I've spoken to many rheumatologists who openly say that they are open to patients experimenting. HOWEVER, that broken instagram link you posted is likely one of the few success stories that filters to the top. All the people who try these diets and fail you do not hear about.

The role of the gut and diet in autoimmune is being researched and further elucidated. Patients should safely experiment with the role of diet.

But for you to say "Fix your diet"?! As if you KNOW that other diets are simply BROKEN and that an all carnivore diet is fixing it?? It is not supported by the data at all. It runs contrary to most of the research done on dieting. I'll agree that plenty of research in dieting is flawed (often centered around mediterranean diet), but your tone of "Fix" is why you earned my downvote as a person who has an autoimmune but I don't think you are guilty of trolling. No hard feelings but be a bit more humble around these things when there's so much unknown and ANYONE telling you that they have a perfect FIX is not telling the truth.

Fair point on the tone, I added an updated edit to reflect this.

Most people’s diets ARE broken though, even 50 years ago we didn’t have hardly the level of autoimmune disease that we have today. The standard medical approach to chronic/autoimmune disease is to tell people the best that can do is manage it, not heal it.

There are plenty of people who have in fact healed themselves from autoimmune diseases and there’s a very common theme — avoid all processed foods, avoid most grains, avoid most sugar, etc. Focusing primarily on animal products (which is where the nasty majority of people got the majority of their calories over until just a few thousand years ago has been shown to ameliorate autoimmune — you have to test it out for yourself, if you wait until the medical establishment comes around you’re going to be waiting your whole life, it is completely against their incentive to find a dietary method of healing Crohn’s or any other autoimmune disease).

I completely agree with you about the rising levels of autoimmune diseases. Lots of ideas are swirling around such as the Hygiene Hypothesis. You may in fact be right about your diet choice.

However, look up "mcdougall starch diet autoimmune". Here's a doctor who runs a starch based clinic (Starch heavy, avoid ALL animal products). He has client testimonies, a legit clinic, and patients who cured their autoimmune disease.

I personally find that the diet you recommend (albeit with more vegetables) is best for me, but the paleo vs vegan argument has proponents on both sides claiming they've cured autoimmune diseases. I cannot find strong clinical trial data favoring one side over the other. With that said, look up "Dine-CD research study" that is trying to be the first clinical trial of specific carbohydrate diet for crohns.

Be well and enjoy the steak!

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