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The whole libertarian and conservative sales pitch is just a sales pitch for business practices that hurt the many at the betterment of the corporations or rich few. They clamp divisive stances onto it to pull single issue voters into their pool. Whether any of their actual enacted laws decrease deficits or increase personal freedoms isn’t even discussed routinely. (The last time the US ran a budget surplus a D was in the White House. Deregulating is always pitched as a positive but winds up in selling people less than they had before - relaxation of banking regulations leading to recessions, etc)

I don't think you've accurately represented the libertarian pitch, which is that government bureaucrats, even if they are well meaning and better planners than you are, are not likely to understand your needs, wants, and preferences nearly as well as you are and, further, are likely to have incentives other than your welfare – careerism, political winds, and the pleadings of special interests, to name a few.

I don’t need to represent what is already widely marketed. In 2019 everyone knows the libertarian pitch.

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