As a Clojure programmer I find Racket's "#lang" feature fascinating, all the more so it seems to be doing exactly the opposite of what's recommended in Clojure: favor data over functions over macros.
Personally most of the DSLs I write in Clojure are "private" (i.e. I write them for myself to help me develop a library or an app) and thus they tend to be small. This is why I favor functions over data: it allows me to reuse common function combinators (e.g (fn or-fn [f g] (fn [& args] (or (apply f args) (apply g args))))) so that I do not have to reimplement them which is something you have to do if you approach the problem with a data-first mindset. Instead, if I really want to prettify such function-based DSLs by bringing forth the use of data to express the problem at hand, I write a DSL-as-data parser and implement it as one or multiple DSL-fns.
Personally most of the DSLs I write in Clojure are "private" (i.e. I write them for myself to help me develop a library or an app) and thus they tend to be small. This is why I favor functions over data: it allows me to reuse common function combinators (e.g (fn or-fn [f g] (fn [& args] (or (apply f args) (apply g args))))) so that I do not have to reimplement them which is something you have to do if you approach the problem with a data-first mindset. Instead, if I really want to prettify such function-based DSLs by bringing forth the use of data to express the problem at hand, I write a DSL-as-data parser and implement it as one or multiple DSL-fns.
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How does this compare to Racket DSLs ?