+1 and arguably the concurrent clients + multiuser thing is something which XMPP did never get around really. There are at least a dozen or so XEPs which noone is implementing (except for Conversations) which make basic functionality a mess. You download any client and get basic 1on1-chat with no missed messages when both parties are online. Everything else depends on, .... whatever. Even major providers needed some years to get around this (look at Whatsapp). So I think it's really not reinventing the wheel if one tries to implement something anew learning from the pasts mistakes
(if you are affiliated with riot/matrix: keep up the good work!)
well, I'm open to client suggestions (and to public servers, where I can try them out too). I was told by Google (tm) that gajim should be one of the most feature-complete clients on the desktop. tried it with conversations on the phone. group messages go into some archive-window (instead of showing up in the chat window like in every over program), sometimes the archive misses them... pictures are a link to the server, so I have to manually download them all. encryption with multiple clients is a mess (even more so than matrix). av is completely missing. of course this are all relatively minor things from a technical standpoint but they add up and together with the thing that a large amount also depends on the server this makes for a very bad user experience (basically it currently means: run your own server and use conversations)...
> group messages go into some archive-window (instead of showing up in the chat window like in every over program), sometimes the archive misses them...
Not sure what that even means. Worth reporting.
> pictures are a link to the server, so I have to manually download them all.
I think you need to install the image preview plugin.
Public server wise I don't have any recommendations (but i'm sure others have plenty) other than movim. https://movim.eu/#try they have a baked in client (and do a whole bunch of other stuff like micro blogging) but once you have a account, there is no reason you can't use any client you want.
Encryption with omemo is a issue and usability could be improved (I believe people are working on that).
Hey, thanks a lot, those clients look really quite great (and polished). Still, if you look at movim you imho experience the problem of the whole open XMPP-ecosystem. Somehow nobody cares for getting other people to support their features and in the end everything moves closed-source. At this point I think this really is a problem of years of standardizing new features and a lot of projects being sold under the label XMPP being 10 years behind on those features. In theory XMPP today (together with jingle?-based mediation of a jitsi-videobridge) is ready for everything. But in practice I didn't find 2/3 clients you recommended (google+xmpp-foundation site).
I;d like to see a table / chart showing the top 10 or 20 or so xmpp things - and what features are missing from each, along with notes about the language app 1 2 etc is written in, and an estimate in how long it would take coders to add the amount of missing features that others have..
then we could see an estimated total, like for $xx we could get most of these apps all on the same page of features running... if that is the major hurdle - a crowdsourced money or and time to get them all modernized may make the whole ecosystem 2.0 and worthy of use?
Surely it can't be that much that is needed - yet it seems that fixing just one or two is not having the same network effects of having them all speaking the 2.0 feature language.
https://compliance.conversations.im/ not for clients but slowly getting there for the servers. And this is only for a working text-based chat, AV is really of the table. Basically except for conversations, most of the "clients" should be labeled protocol explorers because most of them have serious usability issues with most of the listed XEP...
The worst thing isn't that the standard isn't defined or something, but that a lot of projects are claiming to support XMPP when they only support some core functionality...
(if you are affiliated with riot/matrix: keep up the good work!)