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I am not in the startup scene but why cant one of the best reason to start a company be to make more MONEY. Why is it always about changing the world and the universe needs me type of stuff. This is too SV cartoonish for me.

The argument against this is that founding a startup, when factoring in the incredibly low success rate, may not be the best strategy to gain money. Joining an early stage startup (with equity) that's clearly on a growth path, or even working for a Google, Facebook, etc. is a much better bet for making money.

Also, startups, where startup means creating a new unproven solution intended to achieve exponential growth, are unfathomably hard. It's hard (in my experience) to stay motivated in the face of startup hardships when one's primary objective is money.

Starting a business is one of the best paths to make a lot of money in a short time period though.

And it all depends on your financial goals.

Want low 6-figures a year? Get a career.

Want medium 6-figures a year? Bootstrap a business.

Want 7-figures a year? Take VC money.

And yes, the success rates get progressively worse, but if your goal is to average $500k-$1M+/year over the next 5 years, your chances of making that as an employee are probably far less than your chances of making that owning a startup.

> if your goal is to average $500k-$1M+/year over the next 5 years, your chances of making that as an employee are probably far less than your chances of making that owning a startup

Exactly. Startup is the only way to make money, while being reliably preserved from management errors which you can't prevent or compensate for.

You can join an early Facebook, but that's a luck game, not a systematic approach where you'll actually influence chances.

A lot of people wouldn't call a company that is never destined to grow overall a few million $$$ turnover a startup.

It's a term without a strict definition.

"You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity - a piece of a business - to gain your financial freedom." - Naval[1]

[1] https://twitter.com/naval/status/1002103670400417792

Because most employees assume money is a given, and they align with a mission instead. It is also not socially acceptable to be in something just for the money unless it is wall street.

What type of mission would that be? Selling ads, gathering your private data? Can we get real please? Time to stop villianizing WS, SV is just modern day WS with more greed. ( Sometimes more useful though. )

"It is also not socially acceptable to be in something just for the money unless it is wall street."

I'm not sure if I can agree with that. In general that may be true, but I would have to say most people do something they don't like 'just for the money' at some point in their life. Something like working as a kid for minimum wage in a store. It's most likely that you are just working there for money.

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