I like to believe otherwise, saying "that group of people are notorius" is just too convenient. I've seen many locals stand up from a picnic in a city park in Munich leaving their rubbish behind.
My experience in Berlin from approaching people littering is that they're mostly not German. And what's fascinating, they're actually proud of their littering.
Locals. Yeah yeah, white man good, others bad! My experience is that the native youths don't give a shit, meanwhile people who sounded/looked foreign cared more about cleaning up after themselves. And in Berlin I had to yell after 2 Germans who just stood up and left their disposable coffee cups on the street bench they were sitting on.
You're right. I was stressed yesterday. There are filthy people of all backgrounds. I just happen to live in an area where people are both dirtier than average and not German. If I lived somewhere more German, I'd probably have more examples of German people doing dirty things.