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Chat with Gitlab CEO: Offering an On-Prem/Self-Managed Version of Your Software
14 points by toeknee123 on Feb 20, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo0bejtOnQc

My team and I recently had a quick discussion with Sid Sijbrandij, www.gitlab.com's CEO, on what it takes to offer an on-prem/self managed version of your software.

We discussed a few technical challenges as well as business challenges that come with building a on-prem/self managed version of your software.

Enjoy! Let us know what you all think.

Thanks for the assist!

Thanks for sharing. It's something we are considering as well so the discussion will be invaluable to us.

Awesome! Glad this was helpful. There are still so many questions and unknowns though. Best of luck!

GitHub has an on-prem version as well.

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