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Oumuamua is traveling at 26kps. For comparison the Voyager probes are traveling at around 17kps.

Even if we had a probe ready today it's already too far and moving too fast to overtake. Even if we had a probe ready when we first detected the object it would have been difficult to intercept with today's technology. It would have to be something like a Falcon Heavy already in orbit and ready to burn at a moment's notice with a tiny probe at the top for gathering the data.

>Even if we had a probe ready when we first detected the object it would have been difficult to intercept with today's technology.

That's the other side of the problem: we didn't detect it until far too late. We should be able to detect objects of this size much, much sooner than we currently do. We're not looking very hard for them, so usually we end up seeing them after they've already whizzed by. There have been way too many times in the last decade or so when we're informed, "hey, we just barely got missed by some big asteroid, and we didn't even see it until it already went by the Earth!" That's just pathetic.

So it follows we should have that, at all times. :-)

That payload is... a lot of teslas worth of cargo. It would need to be built in orbit. A project that size would definitely make a lot of jobs and require a major rebuilding of our space problem. So many downsides.

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