Some trust is not blind trust and there are areas where I do trust government.
It’s why I don’t worry the medication I take is not genuine, why the water that comes out the tap is safe to drink and why if I get run over I’ll get medical treatment.
It’s why I can walk down the street without unduly fearing I’ll get robbed etc.
Blind distrust is as silly as blind trust is what I’m saying here.
The government taking cyber security seriously is a good thing if you trust that government and the Japanese government is pretty good in that specific area.
Also given that Japan is a regional and major economic competitor to China which along with Russia and the other major powers is currently waging and undeclared series of wars in the global networks it seems like a pretty smart move to me,
As for medicine, water and medical treatment... Your government makes the medicine, your government runs the water company and your government runs your hospitals? Seems like a recipe for disaster. Just out of curiosity, what country do you live in?
Yes. Japan is a regional and major economic competitor to china, russia and korea and the US. But what's your point? They are also a major trading partner to all those countries.
Sure, blind mistrust is bad as blind trust. But there are plenty of reasons for people to distrust governments. It's why we have rights to protect ourselves from the government. And the last government I'd trust is the japanese government if I were the japanese people considering how they were so willing to throw their citizens lives away on kamikaze missions and endure endless firebombings and nukes.
As the poster of the original comment, it's not blind trust of the government. Rather, it's a preference because I don't trust the ability of any single person, or private entity to handle this sort of thing. I get my stance is political, but I don't understand what isn't "hacker" about it. To me hacking means attacking a situation with the intent to solve it. In this situation, if the government is good, I am willing to see how they solve this issue.
> When did blind trust in government become the norm on "hacker" news?
I agree with you 100% and up voted you too. Furthermore people speak of "Government" as if it were a thing--akin to say an apple, as opposed to what it is in reality: a random group of random people with possibly, if not probably, virtually unlimited ideas on the nature of what the citizens under their thumb (or hopefully stewardship) have the right to see, hear, think, say or do.